School Funding

articles cast for congress

Opinions Count

School Funding

In this comprehensive survey on school funding, we invite you to share your perspectives on key statements that encompass various aspects of education finance. Your input is invaluable in capturing diverse opinions on topics related to fiscal responsibility, local control, and accountability within the context of school funding. The questions are designed to elicit your thoughtful responses on these crucial matters, providing a nuanced understanding of public sentiment. Your participation is essential in contributing to a well-rounded view of attitudes towards education funding. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights in this important survey.

Education, School Funding
School Funding
Assessing public opinion on the allocation and adequacy of funding for schools, including views on increased funding, budget priorities, and distribution of resources.

In this comprehensive survey on school funding, we invite you to share your perspectives on key statements that encompass various aspects of education finance. Your input is invaluable in capturing diverse opinions on topics related to fiscal responsibility, local control, and accountability within the context of school funding. The questions are designed to elicit your thoughtful responses on these crucial matters, providing a nuanced understanding of public sentiment. Your participation is essential in contributing to a well-rounded view of attitudes towards education funding. Thank you for taking the time to share your insights in this important survey.

Mark your answers from 1-10 according to question asked.

1. How strongly do you agree with the statement: "Reducing government spending on education is essential to ensure fiscal responsibility"?*

1. How strongly do you agree with the statement: "Reducing government spending on education is essential to ensure fiscal responsibility"?*

2. To what extent do you agree with the idea that "Local communities should have more control over how their school funding is allocated"?*

2. To what extent do you agree with the idea that "Local communities should have more control over how their school funding is allocated"?*

3. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Cutting funding for underperforming schools and reallocating it to successful schools is a prudent approach."*

3. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Cutting funding for underperforming schools and reallocating it to successful schools is a prudent approach."*

4. How much do you agree that "Increasing school funding without clear accountability measures is a wasteful use of taxpayer dollars"?*

4. How much do you agree that "Increasing school funding without clear accountability measures is a wasteful use of taxpayer dollars"?*

5. To what degree do you support the notion that "School funding should be tied to student performance, incentivizing better educational outcomes"?*

5. To what degree do you support the notion that "School funding should be tied to student performance, incentivizing better educational outcomes"?*

6. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Schools should have the flexibility to use funding as they see fit, without excessive government regulations."*

6. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Schools should have the flexibility to use funding as they see fit, without excessive government regulations."*

7. How strongly do you agree that "Reducing federal involvement in education funding would lead to more efficient use of resources at the local level"?*

7. How strongly do you agree that "Reducing federal involvement in education funding would lead to more efficient use of resources at the local level"?*

8. To what extent do you support the idea that "Schools should rely more on private donations and local initiatives rather than increased government funding"?*

8. To what extent do you support the idea that "Schools should rely more on private donations and local initiatives rather than increased government funding"?*

9. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Providing school vouchers for parents to choose private or charter schools can improve education outcomes."*

9. Indicate your level of agreement with the statement: "Providing school vouchers for parents to choose private or charter schools can improve education outcomes."*

10. How much do you agree with the notion that "Increasing property taxes to fund schools is a fair and effective way to support local education"?*

10. How much do you agree with the notion that "Increasing property taxes to fund schools is a fair and effective way to support local education"?*

Leave your additional comments if you like.

Leave your additional comments if you like.